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Set Focus Words for an Intentional Year

In our New Year Ritual, we invited you to choose some words to represent the year you would like to have in 2022. Using words to guide your year is a powerful and flexible framework for living more intentionally. These words could describe a mindset or habit you would like to adopt, or an aspect of your life or a project you would like work on in 2022. You can also think of them as themes or mantras that you would like to live by in the year ahead. To give you a better idea of how they can support your wellbeing, we put together this resource sharing some focus words ideas and how to use them. Why set a focus...

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Journal With Us: New Year Ritual

As we wind down 2021 and prepare for a fresh year ahead of us, join us for a quiet moment of reflection on the year that you've had, and how we can move through the new year with mindfulness and intention.  What you'll need Somewhere to note down your thoughts. It can be pen and paper, a notebook, or an app on your phone or computer. Use whatever format works for you! 15 minutes of alone time A quiet, comfortable space An essential oil roll-on or spray Before you start Journalling is an incredibly personal practice, and looks different for everyone! Each of us will have our own ways of reflecting that work best for us.  Journalling might seem like a daunting commitment...

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